Thursday, March 21, 2013

Three Beautiful Things 03/20/13: Happiness Blogging,The Classroom's Not a Factory, Remembering Dad with Christy

1.  I've gotten back to writing essay-like pieces  in this blog again and am enjoying roughing out my thoughts on the subject of happiness (here and here).

2.  MB, Michael, Jeff and I met for coffee and between us we have about 120 years of teaching experience and I left our conversation reflecting upon what an inexact undertaking teaching is, how elusive it is; I thought long and hard about how time in schools and classrooms are structured as if education were an exercise in mass production and how little like mass production it is in practice.

3.  Christy and I had a fun email exchange about Dad, his love of Jack and Dan's Tavern, how he became acquainted with its owners (we don't really know), his love for Gonzaga and Idaho basketball (when the two played, he rooted for Idaho), and his last days on earth, how he died one day shy of knowing that Utah, and John Stockton, lost to Seattle in the 1996 Western Conference final.  I remember making sure he knew Utah won game 6, and in spite of his grave condition, he nodded.  He knew.

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