Sunday, October 19, 2014

Three Beautiful Things 10/18/14: Sleep, Arundel Mills,Dinner at Dave and Diane Etherton's Farm

1.  I woke up at Hiram and Molly's after nearly ten hours of sleep.  It was the first uninterrupted night of sleep I've had in longer than I can remember.  Not once did I have to visit the bathroom and when I woke up I not only felt refreshed, I lay there and marveled at the rare experience I'd just had overnight.

2.  I decided to take a drive up the Baltimore Washington Parkway and check out Maryland Live!, the casino at Arundel Mills.  It was unlike any casino I've ever visited.  It's integrated into a sprawling mall of all kinds of stores, not a stand alone building along a freeway or highway like the casinos in Oregon and Idaho.  The gaming room is huge, with a great variety of card games, other games, and slot machines.  A large number of the machines were new to me, so I enjoyed playing the ones I got to and had good time not spending a lot of money and getting familiar with this casino which is about a half an hour away from Greenbelt.  I thought about the fun Ed and Jake and Mike I would have playing around at this place.

3.  The best part of the day came at the end.  I drove to Dave and Diane Etherton's farm near Bowie and not only saw the wonderful home they've moved into and the fine piece of land they live on, but got to have a few hours of fun conversation, a superb pork roast dinner, and couple of apple ciders.  I met two of Diane and Dave's daughters (Liese [sp?] and Ingrid) and learned a great deal about Dave and Diane's lives since Dave left Kellogg, graduated from the U of I, went to grad school at the U of Arizona, met and married Diane, and moved to Maryland.  Dave and I both graduated from the Class of 72 at KHS and it was really fun to account for all we have done in our lives since finishing high school in Kellogg.  It was a splendid evening.

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