Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Three Beautiful Things 08/31/15: Enrollment, We've Lost Ted, *Foyle's War*

1.  I am very fortunate that my retirement agreement with Lane Community College includes health insurance benefits until I reach Medicare age. Today, I completed the enrollment for those benefits.

2. The Deke and I were in touch throughout the day as she learned that the viewing of Ted Ayotte is on Wednesday and that his funeral will be on Thursday in Metuchen, NJ.  If you read these Three Beautiful Things, you might remember that the Deke and I went to Metuchen twice in 2015, first, in February, and again over Easter weekend, to visit the Deke's cousin, Sally, and her husband, Ted Ayotte.  On Sunday evening, the Deke and I learned the awful news that Ted suddenly collapsed and died in his home earlier in the day.   We last saw Ted in June at Aunt Susie's in Battle Ground, IN at a family reunion.  Ted and I hit it off from the get go. In the brief seven months I knew him, he was a great friend.  I can't accept that we've lost Ted. 

3. This evening, I finished watching an episode of Foyle's War. I would imagine that much of the appeal of contemporary crime/forensic television shows has to do with the wondrous technologies the investigators have at their disposal to solve murders. In part, what makes Foyle's War compelling is that Christopher Foyle investigates and solves crimes without the aid of so much as a microscope. The series has emotional power, too, because everything that is happening in the show connects with how the Second World War, and England's involvement in Europe, is affecting everyday life in Hastings, the East Sussex town on the English Channel, where the stories take place. 

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