Monday, March 3, 2025

Three Beautiful Things 03-02-2025: Breakfast at Brails, 11:00 Worship, Pizza In a Building Full of Great Feelings

 1. The Troxstar ambled over to where I'm staying near downtown Eugene and we went to the great Brails for a solid and bracing breakfast. We've met up for countless Brails breakfasts in the 21st century and today was another great visit and delicious meal. 

2. Later, the Troxstar and I met up again and worshipped at the 11 o'clock service at St. Mary's Episcopal Church. I really don't remember the last time I worshipped on a Sunday at St. Mary's and it was a great comfort to feel the warm and familiar embrace of the liturgy, listen to Nancy Crawford's superb homily, and to see fellow parishioners from eleven years ago who were in attendance today and to warmly exchange the peace with those I was seated near. 

I first began sampling craft beers at Sixteen Tons back in 2011 when the Troxstar and I would stroll down to the taproom for a beer after the 11 o'clock service. I wanted to return to the taproom this morning, but now, as the New Tons Taphouse, the joint doesn't open until 2:00. 

So we adjusted and each drank a non-alcoholic beer at the venerable Bier Stein, a most satisfying substitute. 

3. Billy Mac's closed in December of 2021, but this evening a group of us who used to meet there for dinner on Thursday evenings met in the building, now a splendid pizza parlor called Hey Neighbor! I remember enjoying my pizza, but mostly my attention was focused on the stimulating conversation, just what I enjoyed most when I joined tonight's table mates (Kathleen, Russell, Michael, Anne, and Pam) at Billy Mac's during the last years I lived in Eugene. We discussed all kinds of things in the smaller world of our daily lives and in the bigger world of the USA. 

I enjoyed it all. 

That's been the thread that's run through this too short of a visit to Oregon. 

Great reunions. 

Great conversations. 

Great people. 

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