Sunday, April 4, 2010

Three Beautiful Things 04/03/10: Cleaning, Old Testament Tension, Cantor Micki

1. I got going on some almost desperately needed house cleaning and upgraded Snug's living conditions.

2. I read the Old Testament lessons tonight at St. Mary's Episcopal Church's Easter Vigil service. The lessons were beautiful and unsettling. For much of the day I continued to study the many dimensions of and many perspectives upon the 20th and 21st century conflicts in Israel, Gaza, and the West Bank. Those Old Testament passages reverberate with the hope and promise of deliverance for the people of the covenant and with danger and defeat for those who are not.

3. Micki chanted (is that the right word?) the opening of the Easter Vigil service with blessed, dignified clarity. Micki's singing voice is beautiful, immediate; her voice was always in service to the words she sang and I deeply appreciated hearing what she sang/chanted so clearly while also enjoying her voice's lovely qualities.

1 comment:

Go Figure said...

RP: Have you had a chance to read Son of Hamas? Well worth it.