1. It's a comfort and a pleasure to launder my bedding and to experience crawling into bed feel so fresh.
2. Some time ago I cut a chunk of tri-tip beef into thick strips. I had one more zip-lock bag of these steak strips left in the freezer. I thawed them, seasoned them with chili and lime seasoning, Trader Joe's 21 Seasoning Salute, salt, and pepper. I seared them, then cooked them somewhere between medium rare and medium and served the steak strips with roasted cauliflower and potatoes, seasoned with Montreal Steak Seasoning. I continue to eat a small to moderate amount of potato about once or twice every two weeks to keep my potassium levels in range. It's working. Since my potassium spike months ago, I've managed to keep the level of potassium in blood right where the medical pros and I want it.
I must say -- this was a simple and really delicious and satisfying meal.
3. I posted on Leah Sotille's Substack (titled "The Truth Does Not Change Our Ability to Stomach It") that I completed my mission of reading all the books on the list she posted in July. She responded with a hearty congratulations and the offer of congratulatory gift. She will be mailing me a signed copy of her deeply unsettling and chilling book, When the Moon Turns to Blood, her investigation of Lori Vallow and Chad Daybell's extremist Mormon worldview and the murder of two of Vallow's children, Tylee Ryan and J. J. Vallow -- and others.
I read this book two years ago and will be very happy to receive Leah Sottile's signed copy of it.
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