Friday, November 9, 2007

Three Beautiful Things 11/09/07: Alive, Fascinated, Relieved

1. On November 9, 1999, the Deke called friends to take me to the emergency room and I was diagnosed with bacterial meningitis. I was fortunate to have survived it.

2. I don't know exactly why, but several very complicated Mormons have come into my life and I'm beginning to become fascinated by how my preconceptions of Mormons as being totally straight, almost pure people has been challenged. Funny it's taken this long.

3. I came home today between the end of my office hour and a three o'clock meeting. I lay down and fell asleep and woke up panicked, thinking I had slept through the meeting. I hadn't. And, when I went back to the school for the meeting, I didn't sleep though it then, either.


North Idaho Skinny said...

There are actually some Mormon-made comedies that are pretty damn funny. Like the "Home Teachers." If you ever see it at the movie store ...

I added your link to my new site.


Desert Diva said...

I'm glad you survived your bout with bacterial meningitis - God obviously isn't finished with you yet. ;-)

You probably already know about Heather Armstrong and "Dooce." She's a previous Mormon with "a lot to say about many things."

Naps are good - sleeping through meetings are not. I'm glad you made the meeting!

Dubya said...

The entire country benefitifies from yer still bein' alive, so keep on stayin' that way.

BTW, let me in on yer secret fer not fallin' asleep through meetings.