Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Three Beautiful Things 9/25/2012: Back in the Saddle, Lookin' Good, Out with the Deke

1.  I was back in the teaching saddle today, teaching WR 115 with my new status as a retiree.  The sections of this course are small with eighteen students and it was a pleasure (and a relief) to know that I will be responsible for so many fewer students than I when I was full time.  Both classes seemed to appreciate my declaration that I was on their side.   I'm not a hostile force to be overcome or defeated or outfoxed.

2.  Wow!  When was the last time several people at work told me I looked good?  Looked more healthy? Looked refreshed?  All I could do was grin broadly, thank them, and recommend retirement.  "It looks like it's treating you right."  "Indeed!"

3.  After the guy loaded the Honda on the ramp behind his truck and started it on its week long trip to New York, I talked with the Deke and we decided to shoot the moon and meet at Cornucopia for some refreshment.  No second car?  No problem!  I walked the 10-12 blocks, sat down and enjoyed a couple of Oakshire Amber Ales, an Anchor Steam, and enjoyed a Greek salad and a Cornucopia Gyro.  For an eveningcap, we stopped in at Sixteen Tons and I enjoyed a can of Anderson Valley's Amber Ale.  I'm officially on an Amber kick and it's working for me. 

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