Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Three Beautiful Things 10/17/2021: Great Trip to CdA, Back in the Kitchen, Great Photo Taken at 16 Tons

 1.  The Sube is making an unusual noise in the engine that comes and goes. Today, Debbie had a haircut appointment in CdA and while the woman cutting her hair was doing a beautiful job, I drove the Camry up to Silverlake Automotive and talked with Ryan about the Sube. He suggested I bring it in on Tuesday and leave it overnight so one of the technicians/mechanics could start the car cold Wednesday morning and try to figure out what the cause is. 

I also made a stop to make an Amazon return at the UPS Store and when I arrived back at the salon, Debbie, looking really great, was ready to go and we stopped in at Bear Paw Cookies and split a delicious apple caramel flavored cookie and I had an Americano with steamed milk.

Together, we made a trip to Fred Meyer where I love the Murray's Cheese counter and I picked out a few small chunks of high quality cheese to bring home. 

I bought a few other things and, happy with what we got done in CdA, Debbie and I headed home. 

2. Debbie's been doing a lot (all?) of our food prep since she returned home, but tonight I cooked dinner. I chopped orange pepper, onion, broccoli, and cauliflower, put the pieces in a bowl and seasoned them with olive oil, pear balsamic vinegar, tarragon, thyme, salt, and pepper. I roasted the vegetables in the oven and made a batch of pearl couscous to accompany the vegetables.  

I thought the pear balsamic vinegar was a terrific decision as it gave the enhanced the subtle sweetness already present in the orange peppers and the cauliflower. 

As I ate my dinner, I watched the bombing Boston Red Sox crush Houston, 12-3. The Red Sox's firepower was staggeringly impressive.

3. Later this evening, I clicked on my Twitter tab and the first post on my feed was from 16 Tons. To my delight, 16 Tons posted a picture, going from left to right, of Richard (Dick) Lennox, Cliff Jenks, Don Macnaughton, and me. We met every week at 16 Tons-- was it on Thursdays? -- for matinee beers and great conversation. I sorely miss these guys and our weekly beers. Our meetings were a blast and always stimulating. 

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