1. Debbie bought a frozen lasagne back in, oh, let's say, November in anticipation of having more visitors than usual in our house, but, it turns out, we didn't need to draw upon its convenience.
We decided to draw upon it today. We hosted this week's family dinner and decided to make things really easy on ourselves. I took the lasagne out of the freezer on Thursday and by today it had thawed and I simply followed the directions and heated it up.
Carol and Paul brought a generous and delicious antipasto plate and Christy brought Mediterranean pull bread. Molly graced out dinner with bottles of wine.
2. Looking back over the month of January, it's been a demanding one, a mixture of grief, reunions, governmental transition, and more. We talked about what's been happening.
On Thursday, Christy participated in the Radio Brewing get togethers before and after the commitment of Jackie Clemson King's ashes to the columbarium at Greenwood Cemetery.
Christy's longtime friend Dawn Arnhold McLees has been hospitalized with Stage IV lung cancer in Coeur d'Alene and now is under the care of the Silver Ridge care facility, also in Coeur d'Alene. Christy and Teresa Bailee witnessed Dawn sign her will on Friday and told us what impressions were of Dawn's mood (good spirits) and her physical condition -- radiation treatments seem to have shrunk the tumor some and Dawn doesn't have to be on oxygen for the time being, a relief.
On a lighter note, the documentary reviewing music on Saturday Night Live came out in January and so talking and laughing about SNL's performers over the years, both musical ones and comedic ones, gave us some relief from January's sadness.
3. Family dinner also, sometimes, gives us a forum to talk with each other and sort out what's happening in the bigger world of the USA. We spent quite a bit of time this evening sorting out and discussing the early days of the new administration and did our best to sort out and discuss some of the forty-five executive orders President Trump as issued since taking office.
Our evening together was intense.
It's been an intense January.
But, I'm relieved and grateful to say that our weekly get togethers are free of conflict, grateful that we can discuss what's happening in the small world of Kellogg and the larger world of the USA and listen supportively to each other and end our evening knowing each other better and having aired out our thoughts and some feelings, rough, inexact, and possibly tentative as they might be.
It's golden.
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