Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Three Beautiful Things 02-25-2025: Huff and Puff and Listen, Calendar Taking Shape, Sausages and Roasted Vegetables

1. Once again, not only did my workout late this morning feel satisfying, listening on Audible to the early chapters of Devil in the White City was fascinating. Erik Larson is setting several stories in motion early on, establishing profiles and deeds of several complicated persons, and I'm eager to see how these story lines and these figures contribute to overall story Larson is telling. Alongside these profiles of persons, he also develops a detailed picture of the stark contrasts between grandeur and noise, stench, filth and danger that define the city of Chicago.  (No doubt I'll learn a lot more about these persons and the story of Chicago in the late 19th and early 20th century  during my extended time listening to this book on the road on Thursday.)

2. My calendar for my Friday-Monday visit to Eugene is taking shape. I'm balancing spending time with friends with having time to myself to do some roaming around on my own. It's such a short visit and on Saturday,  after 11:30, I'll devote much of my time to driving to and from Corvallis in order to attend Harold Lammon's memorial and to be free to be a part of whatever follows the service. I'm very happy with what's taken shape so far and my guess is that there's more to come! 

3. One evening a while back, Debbie mentioned that one of the dinners I prepared was great and she thought it would also work with sausages. 

Well, for the life of me, I don't remember after which dinner she said that, but on my last visit to Spokane's South Side Trader Joe's, I picked up a package of sweet Italian sausages.

I cooked them for dinner today and also roasted Yukon gold slices, red onion rings, red pepper, broccoli, and cauliflower. 

Debbie and I enjoyed how much pleasure this simple meal provided and were very happy that the Trader Joe's sausages were so tasty.  

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