Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Three Beautiful Things 02-18-2025: Membrane Falls Off, Coma Nap, Control Knobs

1. A membrane protecting the site of my Jan 14 tooth extraction was due to be removed on March 11th. It fell off last night.  I trotted down to the dentist's office today to have the site looked at and to determine if the membrane's early exit was a problem. As of now, the site looks good. I need to continue not eating with that side of my mouth and continue to rinse with salt water every time I eat or drink anything except water. I hope the site will continue to thrive, but if complications arise, I have an open invitation to trot back to the dentist's office for help and possible intervention. 

2. Even brief visits to the dentist wipe me out. I returned home from today's five minute visit and fell into a coma nap. Seemed kind of weird, but felt so right. When returning home from the dentist, 🎵if sleepin' on it is wrong, I don't wanna be right🎵. 

3. It took some help from the World Wide Web, but I think I figured out the right knobs to order to replace our old ones on our kitchen stove and oven. I'll find out Friday when the order arrives!  

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