Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Three Beautiful Things 02-04-2025: Clarence Moore (RIP) and (Unreliable?) Memories, Baking Chicken Thighs, The Most Bearable Perfection of *All the President's Men*

1. Having learned that retired KHS teacher, Clarence Moore, died on February 2nd, a couple of memories (one I'm uncertain of) popped into my mind. 

First, Clarence's obituary reported that he retired from Kellogg School District 391 in 1988. So did Mom.  I know I travelled to Kellogg for Mom's retirement, and I have memories mostly of sneaking out of the retirement party at the Elks Club with Dad to the Inland Lounge where Dad gave Ed Miller his tie for Ed's upcoming wedding. More than once since I moved back to Kellogg, Ed reminded me of that time in The Lounge and the fact that he kept that tie forever. I'm assuming it was among his belonging when he passed away in 2022.

Here's the uncertain memory. 

If I'm wrong about this, I don't think I'm harming anyone. 

All of us who were in Kellogg in the winter months of 1968-69 remember that tons of snow fell in our region that winter.

I remember that this harsh winter weather hit Sandpoint and the upper Idaho Panhandle especially hard. 

I was in the ninth grade and our basketball team was scheduled to play Sandpoint up there in January.

I remember the bus ride to Sandpoint being brutal: snow not only fell, but the wind blew hard on Hiway 95 north of Coeur d'Alene, drifting snow across the highway, making visibility very difficult and travel perilous. 

But we made it to Sandpoint. 

And back to Kellogg. 

My memory tells me our bus driver that trip was Clarence Moore.

I remember the relief and gratitude I felt that evening. We lost the game badly, as I remember. I know I had my worst game of the season. 

But it mattered much more to me that we made the trip safely and I hope I'm right that we had the steely nerves and the sure hand of Clarence Moore to thank for safely transporting us in that wicked weather on those wicked roads. 

2. I was especially happy today that I had bought packs of chicken thighs at Costco last week.

Today I thawed a pack, seasoned the chicken with Everything But the Bagel seasoning and baked the chicken in a baking pan with potato slices, seasoned with Montreal Steak seasoning, and white onion slices. I added to the meal by steaming broccoli florets seasoned with butter and Trader Joe's 21 Seasonings Salute. 

Everything turned out just right. 

3. Before dinner, I had gone to YouTube just to hear Dustin Hoffman, as Carl Bernstein, say to Robert Walden, as Donald Segretti,"You're a smart guy, Don". 

That line comes to me frequently. I hear someone say something that strikes me as right on the money, and inside a voice responds, "You're a smart guy (or gal) ____." 

Debbie overheard me play this clip and it was as inevitable as gravity that our next move had to be to bring the Vizio out into the living room, hook up the new speakers to the tv, and watch All The President's Men for the 490,000th time.

We didn't make it to the end. 

I hope we'll pick it up again soon.

I enjoyed having the same old thought go through my head again as we watched the movie tonight.

"It's perfect. It's a perfect movie -- the script, the pacing, the way it's filmed (thank God for Gordon Willis), the acting (especially the minor characters), the very reserved music soundtrack, everything." 

I relaxed and savored this movie's perfection unfold again. 

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