Monday, April 2, 2018

Three Beautiful Things 04/01/18: Where Are They Now?, Contemplating Death to Life, Family Dinner

1.  I spent the day writing, with a couple of periods of sleep mixed in. I was up at 4:00 (or was it 4:30?) this morning to feed Maggie and Charly and decided not to go back to bed. When writing my 3BTs, I went down a most enjoyable rabbit hole on the World Wide Web, looking at what kinds of music Peter Bach and Dave Coey and Michael Walker of Nine Days Wonder are playing these days. It is sweet to continue remembering those days I loved when I was between 35 and 45 years old at the WOW Hall and to recapture them in some small ways. 

I spent much of the rest of the day composing pieces in response to three different Sibling Assignment questions and when Christy and Carol finish theirs, I will post mine in conjunction with theirs.

2. It being Easter, it was a good day to reflect upon the ways life coming out of death happens around us all the time. I contemplate this a lot, not just on Easter, but on Easter Sunday I think about this reality more intently, experiencing the truths of resurrection as ongoing, in the present tense. That specific moment of "He is risen" is eternal, continuous, always with us in countless ways in our relationships, in acts of forgiveness, in accepting forgiveness, in the vitality of grace, in the world of nature, in communities of people, and in mundane details of our day to day lives. It's a theological and a secular reality. The story of Jesus magnifies this reality, helps us see a widespread truth enacted in a single, stirring story.

3. Christy, Everett, Carol, Paul and I congregated at Carol and Paul's house for family dinner.  Carol prepared a delicious salad for starters and for the main course she roasted a chicken moistened by a ton of butter and flavored with a variety of herbs along with garlic and lemon. She served tender stalks of asparagus and, having handmade a batch of mayonnaise, she fixed deviled eggs. We talked about all that's coming up this month: remodeling projects, garden and yard plans, Mom's Day at the Univ. of Idaho, getting close to finalizing the closing of Mom's estate, and Christy's Easter Day tribulations dealing with her Dish television hook up. I'd say Christy had an Easter Day experience of resurrection with electronics in her house as different devices seemed (nearly) dead and have now come back to life again!

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