Friday, August 9, 2024

Three Beautiful Things 08-08-2024: Blood Work and a Transplant Exam, A Little Shopping, Stir Fry and "Thunderstruck"

1. I roared out the door at 6 a.m. this morning for another routine trip to Providence Sacred Heart. I popped in the lab, surrendered a few vials of blood, enjoyed a blueberry scone and a latte at the coffee shop on the lobby floor, and checked in at the transplant center. 

It wasn't too long before Dr. Murad strode into the examination room. I watched as he reviewed the blood work I'd had done an hour or so earlier and he was happy with everything. We talked about a few things like flu shots and whether I should keep my dental appointment (NO!) and he concluded I am on the right course as far as medication dosages and that I don't need to come back to the clinic for another month, but I'll have labs done again in two weeks.  

Nurse Angela came in with my visit summary. She thinks my surgery site has most likely healed and that I can slowly increase my physical activity. As far as my involvement in social situations, I need to use common sense, try not to put myself in high risk situations, be protective. 

On August 10th, it will be thirteen weeks since my surgery -- enough time for the surgery site to be pretty much healed and Nurse Angela is confident that much of that initial blast of anti-rejection drugs the team firehosed into my system on May 11th has worn off. 

Things, at the moment, are moving along pretty well. 

2. I left the Sacred Heart campus and went to Great Harvest where I didn't purchase anything, took a spin through Trader Joe's and picked up a bag's worth of this and that, and stopped in at 2nd Look Books and started feeling kind of warm in the store and so I cut my visit short and pledged to myself that if I return, I'll have a list of books to look for in hand. 

3. I had fun making dinner tonight. I air fried a drained and cubed package of tofu and also got out the wok and stir fried a combination of scallions, orange pepper, yellow summer squash, mushrooms, and shredded cabbage. I added the crispy tofu to the wok and folded in the leftover Asian sauce I made for the meatballs last night and added red pepper flakes to it all. This dinner really worked! 

After dinner, tired from being up since the crack of dawn, I went to YouTube and listened to various renditions of AC/DC's electrifying hit, "Thunderstruck". I watched a few versions of AC/DC performing it live, two versions of Steve 'n' Seagulls, a Finnish bluegrass band rip on "Thunderstruck, a high school percussion band play it, and a bagpipe band called The Red Hot Chili Pipers cover "Thunderstruck". 


Listening to all these approaches, I was, well, thunderstruck. 

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