Monday, December 3, 2007

Three Beautiful Things 12/03/07: Doughnuts, Thanks, Pork

1. Every quarter, it seems, I indulge in doughnuts during finals week. I always drink what our union president calls the college's proletariat coffee, the inferior stuff not served at the espresso counter. So today, I found the combination of an oblong chocolate doughnut bar and and a chocolate frosted old-fashioned doughnut bar with proletariat coffee to be just about the best damn combination of tastes I'd experienced in a long time. Sometimes it really pays to have a very egalitarian palate.

2. You know what? I know I do a good job in my work and that my students appreciate all the hard work I do and all the patience and flexibility I practice on their behalf. I know that. It feels good being told, though, and some of my students passed on their gratitude for my work and the WR 121 course after their final today.

3. I had to eat something today to balance the low brow beauty of those doughnuts and coffee! The Deke provided the balance with a spaghetti squash covered with a ground pork tomato sauce, the pork a product of the local pig farmer we buy from, Laughingstock Farms.


MarmiteToasty said...

Yesterday, I ate a 'chocolate iced round apple stuffed doughnut' yummy yum :) did I feel guilty.... nope...... and if there had been 2 on the plate then I would eaten them both LOL


Pinehurst in my Dreams said...

Proletariat coffee! That really cracked me up!

Guess my hubby and kids like the Bourgeoisie coffee!