Sunday, February 8, 2009

Three Beautiful Things 02/07-08/09: Snug's Content, Food Contentment, Warmth

1. I am really happy I dragged myself out of my sick bed and spent an hour at the dog trainer working more with Snug. He gets rewarded for relaxing and he gets that great mouth half open contented look on his face.

from the Snug photo file

2. I ate. Finally. Bacon, eggs, toast, hash browns. Black tea. Hot cereal. Pasta and sauce. Liquids had been refreshing. Food, though, deepens my contentment.

3. I enjoyed the comfort of hour after hour of resting the heating pad on my chest. It kept me warm. Now I'm warm without the pad. That's better.

1 comment:

MarmiteToasty said...

Im glad your on the road to recovery, and Snug certainly looks like the most contented dog Ive ever seen :)

stay warm..
