Saturday, December 14, 2019

Three Beautiful Things 12/13/19: Slushy Walk, Golf, Timbers and the Lounge

1. It was messy out, but I wanted to get in a twenty minute walk and made my way through the slush and puddles to the liquor store, replenished my whiskey supply for future Manhattans and Old-Fashioneds, and walked back, a little damper, a little chilled, but the movement was good.

2. I enjoyed an afternoon of Presidents Cup action. I almost lost track of and forgot the scores because I enjoyed watching the very basic experience of how these players tried to best the Melbourne Royal course and deal with the elements. The USA needs to win 7 1/2 of the 12 points available in the final session's singles matches to win the cup again. I don't quite know when I'll get to tune in on Saturday since I'll be in The Kennel watching the Zags women, possibly having a bite to eat, and then making my way back to Kellogg.

3. I left the afternoon's Presidents Cup action before it ended to join Jake, Carol Lee, Ed, and Nancy out at the Timbers Roadhouse. We had a fun dinner and, afterward, I checked up on Charly, took her outside, and then headed up to the Lounge for one cocktail. I got to yak with Cas, continued yakkin' with Carol Lee and Jake, and, before I went home, Harley and Candy joined us and took us all down memory lane talking about the many live music concerts they've attended over the years.

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