Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Three Beautiful Things 12/24/19: A Rocket Hour, The Dead and the Knicks, Brazilian Christmas Eve

1. This morning I sprang from my bed and threw up the sash and to my wondering eyes there appeared a gray Spokane morning, bereft of snow. I heaved a sigh of relief that travel would be easy today. I got cleaned up, packed my suitcase, and bolted in the Sube straight for the Rocket Bakery where I enjoyed a berry oat scone with steaming dark roast coffee.

After an hour or so, I drove to 5th and South Cedar to check out the location of the airbnb I'll stay in Thursday night and then I darted out to the airport, parked in the cell phone parking lot, and awaited word from Debbie that she was ready to be picked up outside baggage claim.

Debbie swooped into the Sube and, indeed, travel to Kellogg was easy.

2. I had some writing to do and put on a DVD of the third set of the Grateful Dead's performance at the closing night at Winterland (12/31/78) and then I traveled back in time and watched an ESPN 30 for 30 documentary entitled, When the Garden was Eden. The film centered on the New York Knicks' glory years, particularly the seasons ending in 1970 and 1973, and I got to relive my absolute love for those Knicks and their toughness and artistry.

3. Debbie and I joined the Christmas Eve party at Carol and Paul's around 3:30. I finished preparing the Pernil Assado and before long we all sat down to Brazilian dinner, featuring a seafood stew, the pork roast I prepared, a Brazilian potato salad, and a couple of side dishes. We had a merry dinner and retired to the living room for Panettone and Brazilian coffee. Zoe gave the Roberts family a trivia game for Christmas and we all played for a while. I got to be the guy who read the questions.

Debbie and I returned home. Debbie had been up since about 3:00 a.m. and wanted an early evening nightcap before she turned in for the night. So I opened my modest bar in the kitchen and mixed her a Manhattan. We got to yakkin' -- not having done so face to face for about three months -- and Debbie asked me what else I could mix and I introduced her to the Chelsea Sidecar. She enjoyed both the Manhattan and the Chelsea Sidecar and I mixed myself a gin martini and we yakked on for a while before Debbie's second wind expired and she went to bed. Soon, I followed suit.

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