Saturday, February 27, 2021

Three Beautiful Things 02-26-2021: Copper the Lion, House Improvement, A Little Tequila

1. First up for grooming: Copper. Luna will have her turn next week. When I brought her in, the people at the desk explained that the groomer might cut Cooper's fur pretty short. I expected this. I okayed it. I returned around 2:00 to pick up Copper and, indeed, she now sports what I think is known of as a lion cut. Her tail has its medium length fur and her facial hair is medium length, but the fur on the length of her body is cut short. I'd say that we are starting all over again. I look forward to Copper's fur growing back in again, but the way he looks now, to me,  is just a different kind of handsome and he seems to be just fine with it!

2. After about seventy years of serving this house, I've decided the time has come to replace the original cast iron pipes underneath the cement basement floor in the utility area. A couple of guys will come week after next, jackhammer a section of the floor, replace the pipes that are there, and make some other improvements in the way way water drains from the main level of the house to the basement and on out of the house. I'm relieved to be getting this done. It's the next of a handful of things we've done to update this aging house. I'm thinking we have one more project to go and it will involve electricity.

3.  I've spent so much time over the last year staying indoors, either with Debbie or by myself, that taking care of two responsibilities (grooming and plumbing) left me feeling in need of a drink. I don't know if the cocktail was to celebrate getting things taken care of or if it was to settle down all the excitement of Copper getting groomed and discussing pipes with the plumber.

I do know that I got out a small glass, poured some 1800 silver tequila in it, added some Cointreau and lime juice, and dropped in an ice cube. This one drink was all I wanted. It tasted terrific, relaxed me, and prepared the way for me to have a long and restful night's sleep.  

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