Saturday, January 19, 2008

Three Beautiful Things 01/19/08: Appreciation, Exercising Snug, Laundry

1. I appreciated the comments on my blog post for Sunday Scribblings offering me support in my time of depression.

2. I took Snug for a nice walk and we played ball in the back yard. I needed to get my body moving and he always loves to get going.

3. Another way I fought this spell of depression was to finish my laundry. Every task completed helps fight the depression by fighting the procrastination that always comes when I start to slip into the black hole.

1 comment:

Go Figure said...

So, when you and Snug play ball, does he get to play third base? As far as tasks go, Man oh Man, you have got to embrace the procrastination! I personally find it quite wonderful. Thus my taking time from work, at this very moment, to avoid finishing a brief I am working on. HA!