Saturday, May 16, 2009

Three Beautiful Things 05/16/09: Mutual Birthday Friend, Snug-ship, Healing Conversations

1. It's been decades since I've had any extended conversations with Ken Carter. We were born on the same day in the Wardner Hospital in 1953 and now, thanks to Facebook, we are having conversations about the past and about how we see things in the present that are very enjoyable.

2. I think Snug and Deke are getting along better. The more friends Snug has, the better.

3. My blog post on my doubts about healing not only is inspiring good conversation with Ken Carter, it initiated a great exchange with Desert Diva and with a student whose name I'll protect. Healing is such a complex and tricky subject. It's one I've been recently skeptical about and it's been good to have some of my doubts challenged.

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