Thursday, December 16, 2021

Three Beautiful Things 12-15-2021: Light in a Darkening Time, Handwritten, Luna and Copper Update

 1. Our Christmas tree is up and decorated. Debbie Illuminated the tree with purple lights and festooned it with candy canes, ornaments she made here at home, and a Christmas card. Don't expect to see our tree featured on a Hallmark advertisement, but, if you were in our living room, you could expect it to bring light to this ever darkening time of year. I like that.

2. At Saturday's Celebration of Life memorializing Ron Frase, I learned that Ron Frase was an avid letter writer. I don't know if I'll ever be an avid letter writer, but today I followed Ron Frase's example and penned a card and a letter and I have more in mind to compose.

3. I don't know if, in their younger days, Copper and Luna liked to run around the house, pull down ornaments off of a Christmas tree, play Bowl-a-Rama in the middle of the night, or be hyperactive in any way. Well, if they did, those days are gone. They are older cats now and spend most of their time resting and sleeping. This is good since they can't be in the living room with Gibbs -- Gibbs upsets them by hassling them, barking at them to play -- and spent much of the day in either the bedroom or Vizio room. I spend time with them during the day and they are calm and secure. Copper, especially, seems to feel more secure these days than in the past. 

When Debbie and Gibbs go upstairs at night, we open the bedroom and the Vizio room doors and Copper and Luna are free to sashay around the house. Sometimes Copper likes to lie under an end table, a place he enjoyed during the day before Gibbs joined us. Luna goes back and forth between a little bit of roaming and positioning herself near my neck in bed.  Luna wakes me up for wet food, sometimes at 3 a.m., sometimes 4, sometimes 5. Both Copper and Luna seem to enjoy having this early morning feeding in the kitchen. 

There's a pretty good balance at work with Gibbs, Copper, and Luna. Gibbs is young, more rambunctious, and can exercise his youth during the day in the living room. Fortunately, Luna and Copper are not rambunctious and instead of spending time lounging and sleeping on chairs or on the rug in the living room, they lounge and sleep on the bed, in my closet, or on a chair or on the rug in the Vizio room.

It's working out. 

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