Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Three Beautiful Things 12-27-2021: A Purposeful Do Nothing Birthday, Acrostic Puzzles, Deborah's Email Made Me Very Happy

 1. I realized on Christmas Day and as I sat in Carol and Paul's living room before our Indian dinner on Dec. 26th that our several fun and lively family get togethers had made me tired. Back when I was teaching, I called the cause of this kind of fatigue "positive stress". I don't think that's my term, by the way. I think I picked it up somewhere. I came to learn that even fun, mirth, good times with family and friends, and successful and energetic days in the classroom can tire me out.

Therefore, especially because our family celebrated Debbie's and my birthday (along with our wedding anniversary) on Friday, I decided that today I would rest. Yes, I would shovel snow, as needed. But, otherwise, I decided to have an uneventful birthday. I would rest. I would take naps. I would eat food that needed little preparation. At some point, I might have a drink.

And, that's what I did. 

I chilled, rested, vegged, lounged, drowsed, catnapped, relaxed, and, on occasion, stared blankly into the vast unknown.

Oh! I conversed some with Debbie. 

It was a perfectly envisioned and carried out birthday.

2. I had thought I might watch a movie or two. I didn't. I thought I might write some letters and cards. I didn't. I thought I might want the house to be quiet all day. It was (aside from conversation and Gibbs barking once in a while).

I thought this afternoon that I might work some acrostic puzzles.

That's what I did and I completed four of them.

Around 9:30 or so, I capped this day of rest, of eggs and rice, of beans and rice, with one cocktail. I poured brandy and Benedictine over ice, slowly sipped on it, let it warm and further relax me, and I went to bed.

3. Earlier in the day, I heard from Deborah. We have been friends ever since 1974 when we met at Whitworth. We correspond regularly and today she wrote to me that one of her nephews and his wife from Eugene had visited her and Scott in southern Idaho. 

It turns out they had both been students of mine at LCC over twenty years ago.

Deborah made it a point to tell me that they both remembered me happily and positively. I loved reading that. 

In the midst of all my resting and puzzle working, Deborah's email made my already happy birthday a really joyous day. 

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