Monday, May 7, 2007

Three Beautiful Things 05/06/07: Ball, Essays, The Bell

1. I played "ball" with Snug this afternoon and he's very energetic and clumsy, falling over himself as he tries to pluck the ball from the air and springs to the spot of the ball, as if he needs to leap ten feet when, it fact, he only springs three. It's a riot and he loves it.

2. I read student research papers all day and fully enjoyed the variety of ways my students see the world of work and freedom and class status. It was invigorating and finally wore me out about 9:30. More tomorrow!

3. A dinner plan with K-doe and Daisy fell through so, for the first time in almost two months, I treated myself to a bag of Taco Bell and a bucket of Diet Pepsi. If I eat this crap reguarly, it gets less and less satisfying, but if I just do it once in a while, I don't know, but I really like it. Weird.


JBelle said...

PDX Pup did a thing on Taco Bell on Permabulator. Apparently, she has had an independent analysis done and Taco Bell puts crack in the food. That's why it's so good and keeps you coming back for you.

I'm just telling you what she said.

Pinehurst in my Dreams said...

I fell off the wagon yesterday, and binged on some "Bridge Mix." I am a recovering chocoholic, and for some reason, I was craving the chocolate covered nuts and candies. It happens to all of us.

Carol Woolum Roberts said...

You have been tagged to participate in a meme. See my blog for details. Thanks!

raymond pert said...

Jbelle: I think PDX Pup's analysis is right on. Like so many harmful drugs, the first hit is terrific and it's downhill afterwards.

Pinehurst/Dreams: I've starving myself of chocolate and doughnuts and scones for the last five weeks or so..trying to get down to a weight where I at least feel slightly nimble when I'm walking around. You can let me know at the reunion if I've succeeded!!