Monday, January 18, 2010

Three Beautiful Things 01/18/10: Swapping Out Dog Doo, Breakfast at Brails, Hugo on Film

1. Randy stopped by to see if we might go see The Pink Floyd Experience and he swapped out his plastic bag full of Willy's droppings for a couple of empty dog crap bags.

2. I relaxed over corned beef hash and eggs and hash browns and English muffin at Brails. The food was terrific, the coffee is superbly non-premium, and my mind floated, wandered, eavesdropped, and pondered.

3. I watched the 1976 film portrayal of Richard Hugo: "Kicking the Loose Gravel Home". I have had this film in my possession since mid-May and haven't been able to bring myself to watch it. I know why. I have memories of Richard Hugo, memories of him reading, and I was afraid that my memories and what I've written about Hugo would be undermined by the documentary truth. It didn't happen. I remembered him really well and, in fact, he's even more of a common man than I remembered and his Silver Valley look is even more pronounced than I have described in papers and lectures.

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