Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Three Beautiful Things 11/20/17: Jobs Done, Business, Hot Soup...and a Correction

1. Trevor and Justice, a couple of the guys who work for Shawn, had some time off today from the remodel project and so I hired them to move cabinets and a couple of sofas from our house to Paul and Carol's. Then, in raw windy and rainy conditions they emptied the soil out of  two galvanized horse troughs Mom had used as planters, hauled the dirt next door to Christy and Everett's, and moved the troughs there, too.

2. I spent much of the day taking care of business at the attorney's office, the insurance office, and at the bank. Now I have the deed to the house in hand, our car and home are insured, and things are taken care of with money.

3. Taking care of money, insurance, and legal business makes me a little nervous and tires me out. The Deke and I figured out the perfect way to relax afterward. We enjoyed a hot bowl of broccoli cheese soup with bread at Radio Brewing and I had short pour of Coffee Stout. Upon returning to Carol and Paul's, I relaxed and slept for the rest of the afternoon, evening, and on into the night, satisfied that we got so much done today.

Correction: By the way, yesterday I made an error. David Cassidy is still alive. I try to check out the news of celebrity deaths and this time I got tricked. Sigh. He's in very tough shape, but, as of now, he's hanging on.

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