Friday, September 21, 2018

Three Beautiful Things 09/20/18: Eugene Travel Plans, Beef Stew, Maggie Update

1. The Deke and I discussed our planned trip to Eugene next week in light of Maggie's surgery. Originally, we were going to drive down together on Monday and the Deke would start taking care of school related business on Tuesday. We changed our plan. The Deke will fly to Eugene on Monday. I'm going to stick around Kellogg next week until Thursday or Friday when I'll drive to Eugene. I think we'll return on Sunday.

2. I have been thawing a small cross rib roast for a few days and today I decided to use it as the foundation for a beef stew. It turned out beautifully. The broth was savory and a little sweet, thanks to the carrots, and the balsamic vinegar zinged it up. The Deke and I agreed that it didn't have to be a low carb stew and I enjoyed having baby potatoes in it.  The recipe is here.

3. After being restless, and possibly a bit panicky, upon her return home from surgery Wednesday afternoon, today Maggie settled down quite a bit. She had long periods of stillness and rest. The cone continues to be a source of indignity, but Maggie is unsinkable and refuses to let the cone get the best of her. The Deke has a couple of errands to take care of in CdA on Friday (09/21) and is going to look around for an alternative to the cone -- something that will keep her from licking the surgery area, but that intrudes less on Maggie's coming and goings around the house -- and annoys her less.

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