Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Three Beautiful Things 09/25/18: Busy Day, More Blood Work, Another Subaru

1. It was very satisfying and a relief to care of a series of things today: I mailed off a fistful of bills; picked up dry cleaning I'd nearly forgotten about; swung by the vision center to use up some leftover benefits money and picked out new frames; I made an appointment with an endodontist in CdA; I sat down with an insurance agent to discuss Medigap plans. 

2. Just as I was getting ready to whirlwind around Kellogg, Dr. Jones, my nephrologist, called. She's just seen the blood work I'd had done earlier in the month and didn't like the elevated creatinine levels. She wanted me to have blood drawn again soon and wants to see me in her office soon. I had the blood drawn this afternoon and will see Dr. Jones on October 8th.

When I had the blood drawn today, I was happy to see Tracy, the phlebotomist uptown, and tell her that I'd received word from Baltimore that my blood samples had been arriving. I'll just leave it at that and not explain why I thought they weren't.

3. I strolled over to Fitz's house around 3:30 or so and bought Deanne's 1998 Subaru Outback so I'll have a car on hand while the Deke teaches in Eugene later this fall for about eight months. I dropped by Silver Valley Tire to see if I could schedule an oil change for Wednesday afternoon -- and I could. I hope to have the car's title transferred, and the car registered, plated, and insured by the time it goes up on the rack for clean oil.

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