Thursday, March 12, 2020

Three Beautiful Things 03/11/20: Janice's Gratitude, Riding with Linda, Trivia Night at the Riverbank

1. Janice sent me a text message expressing her gratitude for the eight of us visiting her at St. Regis, hoping we enjoyed our visit. I responded that we stopped at Saltese, MT on our way home so we could talk with each other about how much we loved seeing Janice. I sent Janice's text to each of the other friends who went to see Janice so we could all know how much she treasured the time we all spent together.

2. Around 4:30, I met up with Linda L. at the Conoco station just south of the Rose Lake junction. I hopped in her Sierra pickup truck and we headed to Airway Heights, WA and the Northern Quest Casino for another night of trivia. We had a lot to talk about.  Neither one of us has emptied our store of knowledge and stories about growing up in Kellogg and the impact of the Bunker Hill Company and we always have news to discuss about people from Kellogg we know -- whether they are living in the Silver Valley or have moved away.

3. For our group of trivia players, it was an historic night at Northern Quest's Riverbank Taphouse. Our team had won three weeks in a row and now if another team beat us, they won a 50 dollar bonus. Since this money was at stake, the company hosting trivia (they are called Bent Trivia) mandated that the defending champion team tonight had to be composed of the same players who won last week.

Well, last week I went to the Music of Cream concert and Chris stayed home not feeling well and Linda L also stayed home.

So, we cooperated with Dan, the Bent Trivia host, and divided our powerhouse team into two teams. Mary, Kathy, Dan, and Joan were last week's winning team, so they were one team -- and the defending champions. Chris, Linda, and I formed a second team.


The defending champs finished third tonight.

I don't know how far down the standings Chris, Linda, and I finished. Bent Trivia only announces the top two or three finishers.

So, next week, we can all be one team again. The bounty is off and a team of young guys was 50 bucks richer last night.

It was a really fun night. We enjoy one another's company more than anything, so even though we were two teams, we were all sitting in the same area, could talk and enjoy each other between rounds, and enjoy what I, at least, enjoy most about these trips to Spokane: the socializing.

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