Sunday, March 29, 2020

Three Beautiful Things 03/28/20: Organizing, Charly Woke Me Up, History is Predictive BONUS: A Limerick by Stu

1. The Vizio room is also my pretend office. I don't remember when I set up a card table in there and started putting bills and other documents on it, along with magazines, camera stuff, and other miscellany. My problem is that if I put things away, I forget where they are or I forget I have them. It helps me a lot to have things that need my attention out in the open, like on a card table.

Well, today, I decided to clear off the card table, do some filing, and take the card table down. The project took me most of the day, but the Vizio room is better organized and I got documents in order to file tax returns, my next project.

2. After several nights of uninterrupted sleep, the string came to an end at about 2 a.m. Charly started to cry. She was hungry and she needed to go out. I helped Charly, happily, but I was less happy about being wide awake at this hour. I sat for a while in the living room. After about an hour of fiddling around, I went back to bed, but this disruption threw me off. In the afternoon, I started to get really groggy and so I went back to bed and a solid nap help me recover.

3. I'm just in the second season of Foyle's War. Up to this point, the episodes are focusing on people who try to profit, through crime, from the war. Some steal government rations of petrol and sell it; others steal food from grocery depots and gouge the prices; one company's owner understood business to be outside the realm of morality, ethics, and patriotism and, in order to make a ton of money, entered into food supply agreements with the Nazis; another plot involved rescue workers stealing valuables from persons whose houses had been bombed. Running throughout all these episodes is the idea that war affects people in a variety of ways, including fraudulent or traitorous schemes to make money.

My view of history, generally speaking, is that it's predictive. We can tell what is going to happen by what has happened. We can predict, for example, that in times of war, natural disaster, and a pandemic that many people will act heroically, doing all they can to help others -- and, in the case of the pandemic, do all they can to thwart its spread. We can also predict that there will be those who exploit hard times with scams and work to find ways to make money -- who, I think, unhesitatingly see business and the making of money as beyond the restrictions we might put on ourselves by moral and ethical concerns or by the law.

In this way, every episode I've watched of Foyle's War are stories that are both from the past and contemporary. It's the nature of history itself.

Stu sent me another limerick for our enjoyment:

I heard a good joke yesterday.
Where a salesman asked a girl out to play.
Then a farmer, her dad,
Threatened things that were bad.
And the punchline's too raunchy to say.

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