Saturday, June 6, 2020

Three Beautiful Things 06/05/20: Writing, Asbury Park Again, Quiet Evening BONUS A Limerick by Stu

1. I slept in this morning and, once I got going, I spent about four hours or so writing a single blog post. Important parts of my life kept coming to the surface in relation to the television viewing I did. I decided to let it rip and write about as much as I could of the content that rose up out of my memories and my thoughts. The combination of being retired and continuing to stay home during the pandemic affords me the time to write at length when I want to. I haven't taken this much sustained time to read, view, listen, think, and write for years. When I'm asked how I'm getting along since I'm spending so much time indoors, when I'm asked if I'm getting bored or restless, my answer is that I'm doing fine. It's because of the amount of time I have to read, ponder, view, listen, and write.

2. I wanted to let that documentary film, Asbury Park: Riot, Redemption, and Rock 'n' Roll sink into my mind more fully, so I watched it again this afternoon.  It was a good move. I wanted to make sure I had the movie's version of history straight in my head. I also wanted to better understand the alchemy of different musical influences that helped bring both Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band and South Side Johnny and the Asbury Jukes into being. Those two bands have given me some of my most intense emotional musical experiences, and, while I can't really explain it, I think I understand better why their sound and what they sing about has been hitting me at a deep spot for over forty years.

3. Debbie and I enjoyed a dinner of leftover chili served over farro with a cabbage salad on the deck until the rain sent us inside. We relaxed with an episode of Law and Order and watched an hour or so of news programming and split a bowl of popcorn. After staying up until 1 a.m. the night before, I welcomed hitting the hay earlier tonight.

Stu wrote a limerick to commemorate the 1944 D-Day invasion:

Some plans undertaken are great.
Stakes on the line that won’t wait.
Price of freedom displayed,
Ultimate sacrifices made.
We should always remember this date.

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