Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Three Beautiful Things 07/28/20: Introductions, Surprise McFlurry, Mr. Gibbs Has a Playdate BONUS A Limerick by Stu

On Tuesday, Oscar Peterson played piano jazz all morning with some help from Roy Eldridge.

1. During his broadcast today, Billy Collins read poems from his collection, The Art of Drowning, with special emphasis on satirizing poets giving long introductions to their poems before reading them. When he started poking fun at these introductions, I had hoped he would also make fun of the long introductions hosts often give to welcome a poet before the poet reads -- these long introductions often become more about the introducer than about the poet being introduced and, back in the old days in Eugene, some of my friends and I used to have some fun talks and long laughs remembering some of these introducers' (absurd) performances.

2. Ever since Stu posted a limerick several weeks ago about ice cream drinks, I've been hankering for some ice cream. It's funny. When I've shopped at Yoke's, wanting ice cream has slipped my mind -- we rarely buy it -- and so I haven't had any. BUT, today, while I was tuned into the Billy Collins broadcast, all of a sudden Christy popped in the Vizio room with a Reese's Peanut Butter Cup McFlurry. It matched perfectly, somehow, with the Billy Collins' reading. Both were cool and refreshing. It made my afternoon.

3. Debbie and I went up to Diane's late this afternoon, back to Gibbs' birthplace. Gibbs loved seeing his mom, Chloe, and immediately began to wrestle and play with Diane's puppy, Olivia. While the dogs played and followed each other around, with occasional breaks to rest up apart from one another, Debbie, Diane, and I enjoyed a great spread of snacks and cocktails and we talked for a few hours about all sorts of things, ranging from property management to Silver Valley history.

Here's a limerick by Stu:

We complain ‘bout the weather a lot.
Maybe also when younger....or not!
But, the cold gives you willies,
Icy sidewalks your Achilles.
And you can add your own comment for HOT!

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