Friday, September 3, 2021

Three Beautiful Things 09/02/2019: Dental Spa, Prichard Tavern After Surveying Fire Damage, Back to Grateful Dead Nights?

1. I started off the day at 7 a.m. at the dental spa. I am indescribably grateful that dentistry is so much less painless than when I was younger. I've been under hygienist Kathy's care for several years now -- even before I moved to Kellogg, while living in Greenbelt, I saw her when I visited Mom. Under Kathy's care, I've taken better care of my dental health and today was a breeze: my teeth are clean and I don't have any problems. It was a relaxing and encouraging forty-five minutes in the dentist chair. 

2. Ed swung by and we headed over Dobson Pass, on up Beaver Creek Road, and headed to and little past Murray. We surveyed, as best we could from the car, the fire damage up the river. We could clearly see how close the fires came to where people live and to businesses up the river and we got a pretty good idea of how the fires traveled. 

Today, things up there were calm, beautiful really. It was remarkable to me that things were so chaotic just a short time ago. Yes, the charred trees, the irregularly blackened landscape, and the smoke rising from spots that are still hot were evidence of what's been going on, but, today, it was a sunlit, fairly cool, and calm day upriver. 

After tooling around for a while, Ed and I stopped, as planned, at the Prichard Tavern, one of my favorite spots in North Idaho.

Aside from one guy planted at the end of the bar, the place was empty, but soon a couple of high-charged partying women in their twenties waltzed in and started downing hard liquor. The bartender was a peer of theirs and Ed and I got a kick out of their profane stories, reckless and careless attitudes about all sorts of things, and couldn't help but think back to days when we were in our twenties and could be a little more reckless and carefree ourselves.

But, more than these loud, f-bombing, entertaining youth was good at the Prichard Tavern.

I drank a couple of perfectly chilled bottles of Miller Genuine Draft and ordered a fully loaded, perfectly cooked Blue Cheese and Bacon hamburger with fries. It was an awesome lunch. I beamed all through it. 

Ed and I finished our food, told the bartender how much fun we'd had, tipped her as well as we could given the cash we had on hand, and headed downriver, on back to I-90, full of good cheer and knowing we'd just had another memorable visit to the Prichard Tavern. 

3. When Debbie bought our Camry back in July, it included a trial subscription to Siriusxm radio. I was a devoted listener to Siriusxm for nearly ten years when we lived in Eugene -- I had it available in the Honda and I had an indoor satellite radio as well. Today, I went online and subscribed so that we'll have satellite radio beyond the expiration date of the free trial and I linked our subscription to our Alexa app and so I can listen to satellite radio at home, too. 

I might go back to doing something I really enjoyed back in Eugene: listening to the Grateful Dead channel while I sleep at night. I've always enjoyed listening to the Grateful Dead as a lullaby and if I keep their music on during the night I sometimes have trippy Grateful Dead dreams and sometimes a song I really love, like "Scarlet Begonias" or "I Know You Rider" or, if I'm really lucky, a spacey "Dark Star" will come on and urge me to stay half awake and half asleep and enjoy them in a slightly altered, mildly euphoric, natural state. 

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