Sunday, September 5, 2021

Three Beautiful Things 09/04/2021: Saturday in the Park, Dr. Sardonicus at The Lounge, Travel Dreams

1. Things in my oddball little pandemic life here in Kellogg go even better than usual if I get out and walk. I didn't get out much at all in July and on into August because of the brutal heat combined with the smoky conditions. Once the conditions calmed down, inertia set in. Maybe that's a fancy word for laziness.

Well, whatever the reason for not getting out, I broke the spell today. I drove over to the Kellogg City Park, looked at the work being done to restore the Scout House, strolled on down to what I call the Little League field and recalled the thrill of victory and the agony of defeat (1963-66), and then walked down the Trail of the Coeur d'Alenes to where there's a spur that goes uphill to behind the museum. I walked east on McKinley, turned north and walked down the Hill Street hill, and soon I was back to the Sube again. 

It felt good and this route felt like a good way to get myself going before I feel like returning again to the Health and Wellness Trail over by the high school.

2. I have said it a million times, but I guess I'm going to say it again. I don't like the local Covid numbers I check daily at the Mayo Clinic, so I am back to exercising what they call an abundance of caution about where and when I go places here. 

It being Labor Day Weekend and knowing that things are usually pretty slow any way at the Inland Lounge when it opens at 3 p.m., I popped in to see Cas and enjoy some ice cold Miller beer, the Champagne of Beers. 

I was right. Things were very quiet in the Lounge. I had a great time talking about baseball and music with Cas, highlighted by Cas playing two cuts on the e-Jukebox from Spirit's superb album The Twelve Dreams of Dr. Sardonicus: "Nature's Way" and "Mr. Skin". 

3. Debbie and I got on the horn this evening and batted around more ideas of just what kind of traveling we might do when we leave Cottage Valley and make our way back to Kellogg. It's fun to think about going places we haven't been before and working out what's possible. 

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