Friday, July 18, 2008

Three Beautiful Things 07/17/08: Completion, Reimbursal, Shhhhh!

1. Jonathan and I had a very productive meeting in my office this afternoon as he finishes a spring term course he fell short of completing.

2. A well-timed check arrived in the mail today reimbursing us for medical expenses. (Could it have been ill-timed?)

3. I went for blood work this morning. The technician who drew my blood announced a little louder than I was comfortable with that I needed a urine sample. She asked me a little too loud whether I thought I could do it. She was a little too loud when she handed me a cup. When I produced the sample, she congratulated me a little too loud. I know she meant well.


JBelle said...

I had blood work, too. I actually forgot, if that's possible how they collect these things. Had to have a tutorial! Good news is, RP, that the next samples are 12 months away! Like the 4th of July, they only come once a year!

Christy Woolum said...

Did you also get a prize from the treasure box before you left? As Z2 would say (her favorite phrase this week)"How annoying!"

Ms. Thouvenel said...

I love that you have something embarrassing on the "good list". It somehow makes it all a little more real.

Christy Woolum said...

check out my blog for an award to you today. anyone that can write about urine samples and find humor in the SNPress deserves this award!