Saturday, September 9, 2017

Three Beautiful Things 09/08/17: Tire Mission, Driving the East Coast, Superb Frittata Dinner

1. Customers swamped the Costco Tire Center. One guy, who stayed unrattled, worked the counter and maintained his grace under the pressure of impatient customers waiting to be served. I reached the counter after about forty minutes in line and found out it would be a couple of hours before the guys in the shop would get to my tire. I was unrattled. It was about 10:00 and I meandered across Route 1 and camped out at Panera where I enjoyed coffee and a cinnamon crunch scone and had some great text messaging time with Stu and Byrdman about high school basketball in North Idaho and Spokane back in our high school days, an ongoing and fun conversation. Around 11:30 I returned to Costco and, lo and behold, the guys in the shop were done with the Sube. They had to replace the tire, punctured by my dive into the pothole last night, and the tire was under warranty, and nearly brand new, and so I didn't have to pay anything.

Tire mission accomplished.

2. Now the Deke and I were looking at a drive to Nyack, NY later in the day. It took us a while to get ourselves gathered for the drive -- I went to the pharmacy, got cleaned up, and packed my bag. We drove Charly and Maggie over to the Diaz's house. We enjoyed a sandwich at Molly and Hiram's. We didn't leave for Nyack until after 3 o'clock.  Just yesterday, we thought we'd leave around 10 a.m.!

I have never lost my love for the drive from Maryland to Nyack, NY. Yes, things were congested in the vicinity of the Delaware Memorial Bridge, but otherwise I experienced much of the same pleasure driving up I-95, the New Jersey Turnpike, and the Garden State Parkway that I have for the last three years, and the pleasure it simple and enduring: it just feels so authentically East Coast to me. And I like that.

3.  We arrived at Adrienne and Jack's at about 8:20 and dug into a great meal that Adrienne had prepared: cold green beans with feta cheese, a turkey, spinach, and mozzarella cheese frittata, and a green salad. The Deke and I were both hungry and this meal nourished us and was very, very tasty. Our visit to Nyack was off to a perfect start.

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