Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Three Beautiful Things 11/06/18: Dental Work, *The Boys in the Boat*, Carol's Thai Soup

1. Because of eroding teeth, which I've known about for years, in order to restore aging crowns, as a means of warding off future infection, and as a way of making a possible future kidney transplant safer by reducing the chance of infection,  I spent all day at the dentist. Overall, it was a good day. The dentist and his assistant worked patiently. I had plenty of  down time when they weren't working in my mouth to let areas of my mouth get numb or to let the machine in the office mill the crowns. I returned home tired, took one pain pill to help my mouth settle down, did a couple of salt water rinses which I will continue to do on Wednesday, and will use the leftover prescription mouthwash from when I had oral surgery back in mid-October.

2. I am really happy that I had the book, The Boys in the Boat, loaded on my Kindle app on my cell phone. During most of the down time today I read this book and am finding its detail bout rowing fascinating as well as its treatment of the history of the 1920s and 1930s, yes, nationally and internationally, but more particularly in North Idaho, Spokane, British Columbia, and Seattle. It's also a very smartly written book, not only in its content, but in structure and style. I don't know anything bout the author, Daniel James Brown, but after reading about three chapters of his book, I am very impressed with his research, his deep care for both this story and the people it features, and his talent as a writer.

3. If you read our responses to Sibling Assignment #200, you know that Carol refashioned a recipe for Thai Coconut Curry Butternut Squash Soup to fit with what ingredients she had on hand and to satisfy her enjoyment of experimentation. (You can read all about it, here.) Carol brought me a container of this soup to family dinner on Sunday. I heated it up this evening right when I returned home from the dentist. I really, really wish my front upper teeth and gums had not still been numb because it made eating the soup difficult and it compromised by ability to fully taste Carol's creation. But, even with a partially numb mouth, I could tell the soup was an arresting blend of peppery heat, coconut milk smoothness, and garden squash sweetness. I simultaneously enjoyed the soup and regretted that I ate it when my mouth was in such a compromised condition.

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