Friday, November 12, 2021

Three Beautiful Things 11/11/2021: Preparing for Patrick and Meagan, My Eyes are Good, Meagan and Patrick Arrive

 1. Today promised to be good day. Patrick and Meagan took off from Portland around 11 o'clock to head up to see Debbie and me and Debbie and I made some preparations for their arrival. Debbie spiffed up the kitchen, especially, and did some reorganizing and she got the upstairs ready so Patrick and Meagan have a comfortable place to sleep. I stocked our liquor supply and purchased some essential groceries at Yoke's. 

2. Unrelated to Patrick and Meagan's visit, I had an eye exam today. I'd had vision problems during the summer fires and the Doctor Miller explained that artificial tears might have helped or an allergy eyedrops. I hope I remember that next year. I also had about six or seven days of weird block letters appearing before me in the mornings while we were driving across the country. It only last for about five minutes or so. The first day back, I made the appointment I met today and then that problem disappeared and has never returned. Doctor Miller explained some possible reasons why I had that experience and we were both relieved that when he examined me he found no damage to retina. We were also relieved that my morning psychedelic visions only lasted such a short time. 

In short, I should be good for another year before seeing Doctor Miller again.

3. Upon their arrival, Patrick, Meagan, Debbie, and I soon piled into the youngsters' auto and headed straight to Radio Brewing. 

I was happy that Meagan joined me to SAVE THE PORTER. It was also fun having our niece Molly as our server. We enjoyed our dinner. We launched into conversations about all kinds of things, returned to the house, and the conversations continued -- we talked about books, reading, family news, family history, and possibilities that lie ahead in all our lives. 

I'll repeat for the 50000000th time. I sure enjoy young people. I like old ones, my peers, too, but young people energize me and fascinate me in a unique way, especially, I'd say, since long ago I stopped thinking of myself as a source of wisdom or advice, shut my trap, and listened. 

That was sure the case tonight. 

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