Friday, October 11, 2024

Three Beautiful Things 10-10-2024: Hold On Partner, Things Darken in Savannah, December Trip -- Maybe

 1. Every day this week, until today, I seem to have forgotten that I had quite a bit of laundry to wash and dry. I was all set to leave the house this morning when suddenly the laundry lightning bolt struck me. 

"Hold on, partner!" I uttered to myself. 

Then over the next few hours, I got my laundry done. 

2. While my clothes spun and tumbled and dried, I met a few more eccentric Savannahians in the book Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil and began to get more and more peeks at the corruption in many of these wealthy people's lives. Violence began to rear its ugliness and suddenly, at the of the book's Part One, a murder occurred. 

I'm fascinated to see where things go from here. 

3. I'm not sure how public the news I received today is, so I'll keep it vague. 

I'll just say that the news gives me a really good reason to travel to Eugene in early December.

I don't think it's a very good idea, just yet, to fly.

But if I continue to recover from the transplant well, if my immune system seems to be improving, and if the weather is decent (safe for driving), I definitely want to drive to Oregon soon after Thanksgiving weekend and be a part of the event I learned about today. 

I'll discuss it with the transplant team -- see what they think. 

On the positive side, I'm happily encouraged by not having any problems after the birthday party at Trout Creek, MT, gathering with people at Don Knott's Celebration of Life after the service, and spending three nights at the Wildhorse Resort. 

My hopes are high.

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