Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Three Beautiful Things 02/12/07: Nap, Copia, Bach in Kellogg

1. Exhausted from late nights and mental effort in playing *Othello*, I had the afternoon free and took a restorative nap.

2. My students wrote wonderfully insightful components to a single sentence about *Into Thin Air* that covered the whole blackboard!

3. Burning copies of the Goldberg Variations for my students made me think of the time I took a long walk in Kellogg while my dad was terminally ill and Glenn Gould brought me relief from my worry and sadness.


Dubya said...

Wow, you an' me has somethin' in common. I had a late night playin' Othello too.

Laura skunked me eight games to four. How'd you do?

JBelle said...

You are NAPPING in the middle of the day??