Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Three Beautiful Things 02/13/07: Myat, Nancy, and Amy Talk About Pressure

1. Myat my student from Burma (Myanmar) came to the front of the class with me to talk about what college pressure means for him as a student in his country. I think my students learned as much in 25 minutes listening to Myat than they had ever known before about Myanmar.

2. Then my student from Thailand did the same. Nancy is twenty-four years old and holds a master's degree in chemistry and is attending school here to sharpen her English. She explained the rigors of her thesis. I doubt anyone in the room had thought that they were in class with more than one holder of a master's degree.

3. Amy is also facing pressures, very different from Nancy and Myat. She's right out of high school. She lives on her own. She moved to Eugene from Grants Pass. It's a culture change. She's unsure of her direction but feels she should have direction. At the break, students from the class surrounded her with words of encouragement, especially the students who are thirty-nine and thirty-five and still don't know exactly what they are doing yet. I hope she found reassurance that she'll be okay.

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