Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Three Beautiful Things 12/17/12: Chicken Prep, Steak Dinner, Wet Spot on the Couch

1.  I spent a bit of time preparing chicken for a casserole, but it turned out we didn't quite have time when the Deke got home for the casserole preparations.  It was all fine.  It had to do with housecleaning. 

2.  I forgot I had purchased two petite sirloin steaks on Friday and they seemed to appear out of nowhere in the fridge.  I gave them the cast iron treatment and the Deke made a very good cabbage salad and we had a quick, delicious dinner.

3.  The wet spot on the couch was from Charly having peed.  Thank goodness.  Charly licks the couch and when she does it leaves a big wet spot.  This fact is weird on multiple levels. 

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