Saturday, December 22, 2012

Three Beautiful Things 12/21/12: Brails, Restoration, Convenience

1.  Fun, relaxing, filling, mirthful breakfast at Brails with the Troxes. 

2.  The picture recovery project.  Having moved the 06-22-12 pictures I took in D. C. to my desktop, I arduously edited them this afternoon.  I am kind of astonished by how much more I enjoyed many of these pictures today than I did back in July when I originally edited them. In particular, I saw this picture with new eyes and edited three versions of it.

I love how the two women are in step.  Visually, I love the black/white contrast, made doubly pleasurable by the black woman carrying the white baby.  I wonder what the astonished woman sees -- and I wonder if they are, in fact, both astonished.  In short, I love the moment of this picture.  Here's my version by version take on what I see in each one:

Version 1:  retains the wide context of The Mall.
Version 2.  Focuses on the women head to toe.
Version 3.  Moves in more closely on the facial expressions and on the baby.  The focus of this version is not as sharp, but it is more intimate. 

I find all three perspectives exciting and had I not been forced into this recovery project, I would not have looked at this picture with fresh eyes.

3.  For her birthday, the Deke wanted convenience food and so we ordered take out from Chao Pra Ya and somehow it tasted even better than usual -- I don't know why, but the impact was most welcome.  It made me happy. 

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