Monday, December 24, 2012

Three Beautiful Things 12/23/12: Surprise!, Reunion, Whiskey Wisdom

1.  Turns out that the 12/16/12 Service of Lessons and Carols I took part in at St. Mary's wasn't enough.  Imagine my surprise when I arrived at St. Andrew's in Cottage Grove and the Sunday service was, yes, a Service of Lessons and Carols! 

2.  I hadn't seen my former, and one of my best, student Marjorie for a few years and, lo and behold, she was in attendance at the Service of Lessons and Carols, too, and we got to chat for a few minutes, but not long enough.

3.  After the Service of Lessons and Carols, Rita and I pretty much got everything figured out that needed figuring out about this puzzling world we live in over lunch and a moderate amount of booze:  Jack Daniels and Seagram's 7.


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