Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Three Beautiful Things 06/05/18: Keeping the Place Uncluttered, Nixon Resigns, Getting Close

1. Two cans of yard waste.  A couple long fluorescent light tubes. Three cans of construction remains. An old rug Christy and Everett tossed. Black plastic bags of refuse from them as well. I piled it all in the back of Everett's pickup and headed up to the dump. Nicholl gave me the old,"You know where everything goes, right?" which, translated, means, "You've sure been up here a lot lately". I assured her I did and I was happy to once again not let stuff pile up around the house and yard. In fact, I enjoyed this trip so much, that I also made two trips in the Sube to the cardboard recycling station up by the Shoshone Medical Center, again, keeping boxes that once held a tower fan, a bathroom sink, bathroom lights, and orders from Amazon from taking up a bunch of room in our garbage can or cluttering up the yard  or garage with cardboard.

2. Aside from fertilizing the daylilies I transplanted yesterday, I took a day off from yard work and finished the book, Nightmare: The Underside of the Nixon Years by J. Anthony Lukas. I had forgotten that in 1974, elected representatives of both parties, were capable of feeling shock that their president had lied to them. It's hard to imagine such a thing happening again, but Nixon's fate was sealed when several fiercely loyal and fiercely partisan Republicans, like Rep. Charles Wiggins, who had forcefully defended Richard Nixon, listened to passages on the White House tapes in which Nixon helps plan efforts to cover up White House involvement in Watergate and talks about using federal officials to deflect the investigation and realized Richard Nixon had lied to them. They expressed shock. They expressed feeling betrayed. They withdrew their support.  Their fierce partisanship and loyalty melted away. Richard Nixon was finished.

3. The time is drawing near when we will have a functioning bathroom on the main floor of our house again. The showers went in today. The first coat of paint is on the walls. Soon the toilet will be set and so will the bathroom sink. Soon we'll also have hot water. Right now our hot water tank is draining, but, if all goes well, will be replaced on Wednesday. Things are coming together at our house and at Christy and Everett's and it's all looking good.

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