Saturday, May 15, 2021

Three Beautiful Things 05/14/2021: Hiking Coal Creek, Burgers at the Elks, Relaxing at the Lounge

 1. I filled my water bottle, strapped on my backpack, and spirited the Sube up the river to the Coal Creek trailhead, parked in the lower parking area, and hiked along the creek bed to the footbridge and back. I considered going on up the trail as it ascends higher into the mountain, looking down on Coal Creek, but I was expecting an afternoon phone call I didn't want to miss. I'll time things better next time and my plan is to gradually add more distance to this hike each time I hit this trail. Today I enjoyed that Coal Creek was running pretty strong with numerous small waterfalls tumbling over rocks and fallen trees. The combination of shade and the cooling effect of the creek on the air combined to create a comfortable hiking temperature. It was an excellent jaunt.

2. Ed and I headed up to the Elks Club around 4:30, easily found a table, ordered beers and our burgers, and had a fun time yakkin' with different people and enjoying the good vibes in the room. For me, the burgers Keith Greene fries are perfect. Why? They are on the small side. For several years, I enjoyed the larger, thicker burgers so many restaurants now serve, but in the past few years, they've been more burger than I want to eat. The Elks burger is perfectly cooked and doesn't leave me feeling uncomfortably stuffed. I really like that.

3. Ed and I popped over to the Lounge after we finished our burgers. I had a couple Miller High Lifes and Ed and I had fun talking with DJ and Eileen. It was fun to see so many familiar faces at the bar and at other tables, fun to see people relaxing and enjoying one another's company. Cas and Tracy were busy, so I didn't much of a chance to talk with them, but Cas had time to tell me that once he and Jeremy arrived where Cas's truck was parked on Eagle Creek on Wednesday, the tire changing went smoothly. It turned out both tires had their side walls slashed, almost certainly by a sharp branch of one of the many fallen trees along the road. 

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