Thursday, May 12, 2022

Three Beautiful Things 05-11-2022: Luna's Glucose Levels are Great, Walking "The Trail", Leave the Driving to Them

1. Luna cooperated calmly as I eased her into her crate and buzzed down to the vet's office. Dr. Cook wanted to check Luna's glucose levels, especially now that she's eating kidney friendly food, to make sure that the brief brush she had with diabetes hasn't returned. 

Luna's glucose levels were solid, in range, and I brought her back home both relieved and delighted upon learning that.

2. I enjoyed an afternoon walk today. My legs need strengthening so I gave them a light workout as I walked up the trail that connects the high school to the west end of Riverside and Mission. I expected to have more difficulty with walking uphill on the that trail, but I did pretty well and was encouraged that my legs held up fairly well.

3. Peter has plans to be out of town when I'm in Seattle, but Friday is clear for Mark. We wrote back and forth a bit today about meeting up and I'm stoked that I'll be able to board a Sound Transit light rail train near where I'm staying and ride up to the University District to meet Mark. If I hire a taxi or an Uber ride from the place I'm staying to the train station, I can enjoy my visit even more by just letting the Camry rest for a while. Mark promised me we'll do some strolling around the Univ of Washington once we've had lunch. It's all sounding great -- public transportation, yakkin' with a longtime friend, and walking around. I'll continue to strengthen my legs in preparation! 

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