Saturday, May 21, 2022

Three Beautiful Things 05-20-2022: Staying Calm, Martini at The Depot, Burger Night at the Elks and More BONUS: A Limerick by Stu

1. Growing old is, yes, often a challenge. But there's at least one aspect of growing old that I appreciate.

On the whole, I just don't get as freaked out and anxious about things the way I did when I was younger (just five or six years younger, in fact). 

For example, today I retired to the Vizio room to work on some tasks for the KHS Class of '72 50 year reunion and flipped on the Vizio to keep an eye on the men's PGA golf championship.

The YouTube TV app didn't work.

Before long, the Amazon Firestick didn't work either.

I didn't freak out. (I figured the worst outcome would be that I'd order a new Firestick if this one had reached the end of its life.)

I did all the things I usually do when something related to the Firestick goes on the blink.

I unattached here, unplugged there, plugged things back in, wasn't getting anywhere, looked up possible fixes online, and after about, oh, forty-five minutes, something in the Firestick kicked loose and a message came on the tv screen that the Firestick needed ten minutes to get its act together (I paraphrase) and, indeed, after about ten minutes PRESTO! all systems were back online, the YouTubeTV app worked, and I got more mailings ready to send out and watched the golf action on ESPN.

I never got anxious. I didn't curse.  My hands didn't shake. My throat didn't get dry. I didn't cough and gag. I remained calm and slowly tried out one potential solution after another and eventually all was good.  

I sure enjoy life more when I'm not agitated. It also saves a lot of energy!

2. Debbie and I might be developing an afternoon routine of heading over to the Depot around 4:00, ordering a cocktail, and having some superb conversation. I think today was the third day in a row we did this. The same woman who made me a Dry Fly gin martini yesterday was working today and we were both happy that, together, we seem to have found the gin/vermouth ratio sweet spot. I sure enjoyed my drink. Today's conversation? Even more. 

3. Debbie and I met up with Diane and her son, Matt, around 5:30 for burgers at the Elks Club. We had a great time yakkin' about all kinds of stuff, seeing a few people we know, and joining in the fun and friendly atmosphere of Elks Burger Night. After we ate, we crossed the street and yakked some more at the Lounge, another cheery and upbeat atmosphere full of people we know,  laughter,  and stories being told. We wrapped up our night on the town at Diane's house where we relaxed and continued enjoying a really fun evening with Diane and Matt. Sometimes the conversation was light and sometimes we talked about serious matters. It was all very good. 

A limerick by Stu:

Stardom is reached by who can, 
Be tops, not a flash in the pan. 
One “Pack” guy could dance, 
“Candy” singing enhance. 
And the world fell in love with this man. 

 Sammy Davis Jr. Died this day in 1988 

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