Saturday, December 31, 2022

Three Beautiful Things 12-30-2022: Old Man Not Driving, Teriyaki Wings, Potluck at The Lounge

1. The older I get, the less I venture out of town during the winter. Thursday, I would have felt fine about driving out of town, but it was snowy this morning, I didn't like how the 4th of July Pass looked when I viewed the images that are always available at So I didn't go to Connie Burkhart's memorial service in Hayden this morning, to my disappointment. I think it turned out that my cautiousness was unwarranted, but I'm just not the young damn the torpedos full speed ahead guy I used to be.

2. Among the things I got done around the house was preparing my contribution to this evening's potluck at The Lounge, a fun social time initiated by Sue Dahlberg and attended by members of the KHS Class of 72 and other friends. 

I kept my contribution simple. I fried a package of chicken party wings in butter, covered them with toasted sesame seeds, and then poured teriyaki sauce over them. I decided to make a milder and sweeter alternative to Buffalo wings and the last time I made teriyaki wings, I thought they were pretty good.

3. Debbie and I arrived at The Lounge around 5 o'clock and so did many others, all carrying plates or bowls of food -- our focus was on hors d'oeuvres, desserts, and salads -- and small crock pots to keep some offerings warm. 

I started off the party with a fun conversation with Gary, Ruthie's husband, whom I'd never met before. I then made my way to the bar and talked with several people. I set my drink down at a back room table, got a plate of food, and spent the rest of the evening yakkin' with Jake, Rod P., Dennis C., Rick S., Ed, Lars, and others, like Harley, who dropped by to join in for a while. 

From time to time, I surveyed the Lounge's back room and to my eye, at least, it looked like people were having a great time telling stories, laughing, talking about different things, and enjoying the food and one another's company. 

The vibe was really good.

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